Saturday, December 1, 2012

DIY Nail Polish

Sometimes you can never find the right color of nail polish.
Now you can make your own! It's super easy and you can get really creative with it.
Homemade nail polish also makes a great gift.
You will need:
-Clear Nail Polish
-Eye Shadow
-Piece of Scrap Paper
How To:
1. Pick a shade of eye shadow. (This will be the color of your nail polish.)
2. Make a paper funnel out of a scrap piece of paper.
3. Using the paper funnel, pour the ground-up eye shadow into the clear bottle of nail polish.
4. Mix it up with a toothpick.
5. Slowly add more eye shadow until the polish is the color you want. (Remember: Nail polish is always slightly lighter on your nails, compared to when it is in the bottle.)
6. Once you have the desired color, carefully screw the cap back on the bottle of polish, and shake it up.
------Tips: If you can't find the right shade of eye shadow, you can mix different colors together. You can also make your polish more personalized by adding glitter or small sequins.

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